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How do I clear my green pond water?

You want crystal clear pond water. Doesn't everyone? At Cool Ponds, we're experts at building ponds that people enjoy, and that means creating ponds that are easy to take care of and remain clear-- always! Read on to learn how we keep our pond water clear.

crystal clear pond water
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Your pond is unique. Climate, tap water, fish load, frequency of pond cleanings, and more -- all tell the story of YOUR pond.  If you have been told or read that there is a magic bullet for your green water ailments... it's just not true and potentially unsafe.


Anything that clears your water fast is not addressing the root cause of the problem.  First we need to determine why your pond is not clear and take care of that so that your water is clear for good!


If you live in central Indiana, bring a water sample and some photos, and we can diagnose your pond issues and recommend the right course of action for your pond-- after all there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

5 Steps to Clear Green Pond Water

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Step 1.  Determine why the
water is not clear

How you will clear your water is determined by what is causing it to not be clear. The Debris vs Algae photo shows that it is difficult to determine the cause by just looking at the pond -- they look similar. But once you take a sample of the water the difference becomes clear. 

Do you have a single cell algae bloom like the right side of the photo? Then continue to step 2. If you have a debris issue like the left side of the photo, click the button below for advice. (Or skip to the bottom and grab our eBook.)


pond treatments for algae

Step 2.  Add Beneficial Bacteria

Although beneficial bacteria grows naturally in all bodies of water, in our backyard ponds it needs to be supplemented to keep the water clear. Beneficial bacteria works by breaking down nutrients in the pond and also competes with single celled algae for food essentially starving it.


Not all beneficial bacteria products in the market are the same. Our Cool Ponds BioClear and Clean is highly efficient and effective at keeping water clear. For existing green water situation, we recommend our Cool Ponds BioClear EXTREME, a live bacteria which makes it faster acting. 

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Step 3.  Aerate your pond.

Don't be tricked into thinking a waterfall or a fountain is enough to clear a green water issue.  While waterfalls are important for circulation, you need an aerator also. An aerator pushes oxygen from outside the pond to the bottom of the pond. Beneficial bacteria is aerobic which means is needs oxygen to thrive and multiply. Adding an aerator ensures the entire water column is aerated not just where the water breaks the surface which you have with a waterfall or fountain.  (As a bonus, they're great for deicing in the winter!)

pond plants fight green water

Step 4.  Use the right aquatic plants

To battle algae, you need to starve it. The right aquatic plants will compete directly with algae for nutrients. In our experience, marginal plants (or shallow water plants) are the best long-term solution for competing with algae. Make sure you have plenty of them!

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Step 5.  Be Careful With Fish

There is nothing better than watching our fish cruise around our pond! And fish aren't the problem... we humans are. Our issues with fish cause so many green water problems! First off, don't let your pond get overpopulated with fish. Second, don't overfeed your fish. Third, make sure you are using only high protein fish food. Fish waste = nutrients in your pond = algae!

Want the whole story?

Skip to the good part and get the real scoop on clearing your pond water. Green, brown, murky, algae, debris, this eBook covers it all in an easy-to-read-get-to-the-point format. You'll get your answers here. There is info in this book not found anywhere on our website or blog. This is the whole package.

Click Here

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